Jetsurf — электро доска для серфинга

Electrico Surfing

Radinn electric motor surf board

Delivery, production since May 2015

Radinn Swedish Extreme Industry Company is developing a new series of innovative sports products.

Radinn First Windboard with electric motor and wireless control. Comparison of flexibility and windborg speed, with free surfit's allowed to fly into the ocean, the sea, the lake on the limit speeds!

Technical characteristics

Speed: 20-25 knots
Operation of batteries: 45-60 min mixed speeds and 20-30 mins at maximum speed
Charging: Modified batteries, about 1-3 hours of charge depending on your socket
Composite: carbon fiber.

The reactionary engine is the engine and all other parts thereof are capable of resisting salt water.
Weight: about 29 kg including batteries
The computer includes one pack of batteries, a charger system and a firm scab for safe storage.