In the city of hero, there is growing popularity in non-traditional sports, and active-life amateurs compete on the mountain tracks of Ultramarafon, they take the springs and go on board to walk on water. An interesting type of sport, with the springs, to dissect the waves, is called sap serfing. Being on a special board with a spring in your hands, you can keep an…
When it comes to surf, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Bali and South California come to mind. However, with the growing popularity of this sport, other, equally attractive, areas were opened. If you re tired of the traditional beaches, I suggest you look at the unfamiliar places to catch the wave. Bandoran, Ireland, this place is pretty cool for the surf, but who needs warm…
Algarwe is the southern region of Portugal, bordering Spain in the East, the North with the Alentejo region and the Atlantic Ocean. The wide lane of saffrean sand beaches, closed from the northern winds by scalist shores of primordial shapes, the water of fantastic savamarine-malahit shade and buoy green, all of which is the Algarve card. There are more than 300 sundays…
Aloha, friends! We re still in Vietnam, Muy Ne. The main lines of our work here are, of course, your training, as well as the rental of equipment and sillice training. Slam is the most active discipline in Windserfing. The number and level of competitions being held around the world, including in Muy Ne, are increasing markedly, which is not welcome. At our station…
Monday, the last warm day, I arrived at the surf base in Easter in the village of Friday. My wife and I drove in a car to the ZWI Easter Recreation Base through the open gate and I went to the shore to rent the surf. In a few minutes, people asked to pay for the parking lot, but not 200 p., as in past years, and 600 p. 600 roubles we didn t want to pay, and the wife…
Knowledge has been used to rest on a full roll, so it s the most expensive resort. Cameron Diaz prefers active rest, Rianna s crazy about party and festivals, and Miranda Kerr likes the billionaires. Where do you want to rest in summer 2014? We re taking a celebrity example. 1. It s the place that s considered the most stellar place. Cause at any time of the year…
In summer, it makes sense not to sit on the mainland, but to rest on the islands. But what? Cause they re completely different and inexorable. They are so different that it can be transmitted either emotionally or uniquely different. What are we gonna do? Rest in Greece is a perfectly budgeted journey for Europe, but at the same time a European journey is worthy…
As always believed, surfing was just a man s sport and it was rare to meet a girl on a beach with a dock in hand. This is a common view, but in fact, women did not give up on men in this case. If you remember the story, once this great form of extreme rest came along, women took the boards together with men and began to conquer the ocean. It s always been the view…
Portugals coast, which lasted 850 kilometres, is a giant beach that provides perfect conditions for surfing. It s the only beach in the world where a large number of sites are located at a short distance. That is why we usually say that there are always waves in Portugal. The admirable waves, sometimes even magical, together with a fine wind swinging by the sea, and…
In summers on underwater beaches, you can not only bury and throw picnics, but try yourself as a surfer. There are several stations in the Moskov region reservoirs where they train sailing, Windserfing, Spring Serfing, Catamaran driving and other sailing activities. The correspondents of the Podmoskovier portal found out to a professional coach where the best thing…
Anton Tkachenko is a real GoPro maniac: he didn t release the camera (reading, not taking off his head) even during his child s birth, and every day of his active life, he documents hard. In this article, Anton responds to frequently asked questions on the margins of the GoPro camera. Hey, everybody, my name is Anton Tkachenko, I ve been on a snoothboard for 15 years…
What cardio training do you burn more calories? Floating or running? Kayaking or surfing? Yoga or walking? Presenting a mini battle between popular cardio-training. The vs Placing run has enormous advantages in the form of a comprehensive design of all muscles of the body without harm to the joints. But if target number one for you now is an intensive calorie incineration…
Miss SUP-2017Miss SUP-2017 will be selected by the Internet vote. All honor-title applicants need to add their picture in the official fontankasup2017 album in the Webcast-- Ms. SAP 2017 Sportsmanca and just beautiful: Miss SUP-2017. The photo requirements are two: the face of the girl and the spring or fragment of the Spalborda. Jury, based on Likes and the commentaries…
When, at the beginning of the twentieth century, no one on the continent knew about the waves, Duke Kahanamoku gave a great example to Americans, bringing this remarkable sport on the coast of California. On 24 August, 1,890 in the Hawaii office couriers family, a firstborn man named Duke after the Duke of Edinburgh was born. And while Duke Kahanamoku had nothing…
After you contacted us and agreed on a date of study, a minibus will be coming for you at the scheduled time. During the road, the Russian-speaking administrator introduces the programme and responds to all necessary questions. The road takes about 30 minutes, as the training takes place in the hands of the city of Na Chang. When you arrive on the slot, a team of…
Information in the modern world is an important resource and the Internet is its most valuable source. Through the global web, human communication has reached a new level, regardless of distance or social barriers. Web resources are basic knowledge, a comprehensive book repository, music, photos and videos. It was not long ago that web technology had been considered…