Russian Surfing
Bulli Surf Cup and LocalsOnly festival in St. Petersburg
Russian surf bublli Surf Cup
Place: St. Petersburg, Lasca Beach
Type of competition: personal sports competitions (professors/mates)
Conditions of admission: citizens over 18 years of age are allowed to participate in competitions
* When completing the application, it is necessary to:
complete the required information (requirement)
Publish a doctor's print, an admission to surfing competition (detail)
Assurance of the application to the sports committee at the place of receipt
For amateur class competitions, only a completed application is sufficient
Competition registration: The following documents should be made available during registration:
passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
the original completed application
Recognized classification book or sports title certificate (if any)
compulsory health insurance
The original life and health insurance policy (port insurance)
Competition programme: The Bulli Surf Cup schedule will depend on weather conditions. Start sequence, date and other information as conditions arise.
Initial Protocol:
Definition of winners: Judges of the Bulli Surf Cup Championate will assess the quality of wave travel and the technical performance of tricks. The speed, capacity, melting and monitoring of components will be important criteria. The experts will also take into account the wave itself, its quality, length, size and cross-cutting walls. Two of the best waves of each participant in every driveway.
Order of award: During the Russian surfing Championship in St Petersburg, four sets of medals will be distributed among professionals:
Male board (SUP) (1, 2, 3 seats)
Male shortboard (1, 2, 3 seats)
Spring board (SUP) women (1, 2, 3 seats)
Women ' s shortboard (1, 2, 3 seats)
The victors of the Bulli Surf Cup Champion will be able to become candidates for the prefabricated Russian Federation surf team.