Shesk Serphin
Cyting and Windsörfing
Windserfing is a young man (over 30 years old) but a popular type of sailing sport, based on the water of a special lung board with sail. This type of sport is designed for a wide range of people who choose active recreation.
Eysk is one of the few places in Russia where anyone who wishes will be able, without a special difficulty, to take the ropes to the Windserfing. The training station is located in the Eye Cos. On the one hand, the Eye Liman on the other side of the Tagano Bay. Novices usually advise on skating from the Yeski Liman's side, not so deep, he's protected by a sandy coin from a strong wind, and most importantly there is a rescue service. More experienced Windserfers will be able to use the Taganrog Bay with a stronger wind for acute feeling.
The pilot trainers of the station will help you with the selection of boards and sails and easily learn to stay on the water. Group and individual sessions are held. The cost of training, ranging from 500 roubles per hour, to 400 roubles per hour.
More and more people have recently been interested in kiteserfing, one of the most fascinating sports, but despite this many don't even know about it. The foundation of this sport is the movement under the influence of the propulsion of the air sail(s) that is managed by the cattle.
Kiteserfing is a unique type of sport and entertainment - once you try not to be his fan for years. This sport makes you feel the power of the wind, You're holding her in your hands! Kiteserfing is multifaceted: It's a wave roll, a water speed race and, of course, unwritten flights over sea waves.