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Association Serving

Jay Elders (Jay Alders) - An artist, a photographer and a designer, whose own style and outstanding creative imagination have won acceptance worldwide. His thoughtful manner of painting, saturated colours and magnificent compossions make life in the enticed figures and stylized shapes that can easily be found in his hand.

Elders cooperated with his talented friends, some of whom he travelled on joint travel. Donavon Frankenreiter, Matt Costa (Mattt Costa), Slater Brothers, ALO, Sean Davey, G Love, Paula Fuga, Music Group Echo Movement, Group John Butler Trio, Rob Machado and Gunsble

Its artistic works were demonstrated by many prestigious media and organizations, such as Surfer magazine, FuelTV, Surfline.com, Surfline Industries Association (SIMA), Line Up, Longboard, Eastern Surf, FHM, Penthouse, Curl, Alma Surf and GoOutside.

Elders ' work was displayed in painting gallerys throughout America, displayed during art tours in Brazil and at surf exhibitions on the northern Oahu coast during World Extreme Games in 2008. Organizations such as Emergen-C, Billabong, Endless Games, Donavon Frankenreiter, 9Fish Surfboards, SSV, Ted Shred’s and Original Longboards have been licensed to use Elders artistic works in the manufacture of their products, which are being implemented worldwide.

Surferssoul.Com journalists managed to ask him a few questions.

♪ Well, first of all, Jay, why are you surfing?

♪ Serfing helps me disconnect from the real world and switch to the beauty, power and energy of the ocean and nature. It gives you a sense of beard and inspiration.

♪ Where did it start?

♪ I started painting and trying myself in the arts in the nursery.

♪ What's your favorite job?

♪ Well, actually, I don't share my favorite and unloved, but I really like my last job, Fairy Tails, which I'll be representing soon.

♪ What are your plans for the coming years?

♪ I will continue to chase happiness, health and soul peace.

♪ What's playing in your play?

♪ Jazz, classic, Jay-Z, Dre, Biggie, Jack Johnson, G Love, Donavon, ALO, Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Doors, DMB.