What cardio training do you burn more calories?
Running vs
The tuning has enormous advantages in the form of an integrated process of all body muscles without harm to joints. But if target number one for you now is an intensive calorie incineration, you're gonna have to literally use the water. The 11 km/h run burns about 700 calories, while 50 m in the basin will burn 550 calories per hour.
Vs bike. Rocky horses
The car in the repairs, and you decided to find an alternative mode of movement, and the heat season is conducive to the changes? But what's a preference for two wheels or eight?
Getting to the bicycle office at a speed of 20-25 km/h, you'll burn about 560 calories in an hour, that's about 60 calories more than if you'd picked the rolls.
Kayaking vs. Serfing
Do you like water poems and extrem? What is the preference for if one of the purposes is the deterioration?
Winner: Kayaking
And Kayaking, and surfing are excellent cardio training for the whole body. But the kayaking's a little ahead of the girson indicators, you can burn 100 calories more an hour - 346 versus 208 calories at the surf.
Sport tourism vs. end sport
You always preferred active rest. And now you've got a dilemma to do sports or end sport?
Winner - Sports tourism
The final sport is very effective for the muscles of the hull, but for the burning of fat, it is better to prefer its own legs as the main support. Sports tourism burns over 400 calories per hour, while end sport is about 270. Don't forget to get a good pair of shoes to avoid trauma and ensure cardio-load efficiency.
Yoga vs. Go.
You want to enjoy a great weather and take a shower. What's the preference? Yogu, or an active walk?
The kill is yoga.
Yoga-Traning will provide you with an average of 340 calories per hour compared to the 242 calories you'll lose if you go at a speed of 5 km per hour.
Moscow, Berez alley, d.5A, p.6. 8(495) 987-47-87